Wirral Life April 2020 | страница 9

IN BRIEF NEW DONORS BACK NESTON & DISTRICT COMMUNITY FUND VOLUNTEERS HELPING THE VULNERABLE AND ISOLATED ACROSS WIRRAL Concerned families from all over the country have been contacting a Facebook group whose band of volunteers are providing assistance to people across Wirral who are vulnerable and isolated. Wirral Support During Coronavirus has had messages from people concerned about their relatives living in the area who can’t get out to shop or pick up their medication. The Neston & District Community Fund has received a boost with several new donors coming on board. The Fund was launched in February 2015 by chartered accountants and financial planners Phillip Bates & Co along with Rightway, Clive Watkin and G Tilby Engineering. Current High Sheriff of Cheshire Mark Mitchell, Managing Director of Mitchell Group, and his wife Anita, subsequently became a donor. To date, the Fund has donated a total of £37,260 to a range of charities and grass roots organisations working to support the community within the CH64 area of Neston, Little Neston, Ness, Burton, Parkgate, Puddington and Willaston. The Fund has now attracted several new supporters including Uren Food Group and Stephen Wilde. The Fund is administered by Cheshire Community Foundation which receives applications from the CH64 area for consideration for funding. CCF also actively looks for organisations within the Neston & District area which might want to apply for project funding. Phillip Bates, Principal at Phillip Bates & Co, said: “We are extremely proud of the organisations and projects we have been able to support since setting up the Fund almost five years ago. The voluntary group has grown into a community of over 7000 helpers during these difficult times who are happy to help with anything people might need. They have had people delivering groceries and collecting medication to companies with vans providing free delivery of donated fridge freezers to those in need. Andy Poynton from Wirral Support During Coronavirus said they’ve been blown away by the level of help they’ve had. “The generosity and community spirit has been truly overwhelming. I’ve got to say a big thank you to all our members, they have been truly incredible. If anyone needs our help over the difficult months ahead, please join the group and we will do our best to assist you.” You can join the Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/ groups/wirral2020/. There is no cost for any service provided. GOOD NEWS FOR AWARD- WINNING ATTRACTION, THE BEATLES STORY The Beatles Story, Liverpool, have announced good news amid the difficult and challenging times currently being experienced across the world. “We set up the Fund with the goal of ensuring that local money goes back to local causes. Despite the exhibition’s recent temporary closure over the current Coronavirus crisis, the award-winning attraction has hit record numbers for 2019/20 and in its 30th anniversary year they are celebrating the best-ever year of attendance. “We are now delighted that, thanks to the help of Mark and Anita Mitchell, several new donors, both local businesses and private individuals, have agreed to get behind the Fund. We look forward to building on the impact that the Fund has already had locally over the coming months and years.” A record number of 317,156 visitors enjoyed the iconic exhibition in 2019/20 which is an increase of 5,481 (1.7%) on 2018/19 figures and is a new record for the popular Liverpool attraction. wirrallife.com 9