Wirral Life April 2020 | Page 55

Lucy Mayhew Where’s the Wisdom spotify.com Psycho Comedy Performance Space Number One psychocomedy.bandcamp.com Joey Symes and the Loving Kind Phase II joesymesandthelovingkind.co.uk Bite Back Retrohate bitebackpunk.bandcamp.com Caroline England Call the Police Itunes, Apple Music, Spotify etc. Rob Vincent In This Town You’re Owned www.robertvincentmusic.com MOEA Pendulum www.moeaband.com James Reid Versions Spotify.com Rob Clarke and the Wooltones Big Night Out Robclarkeandthewooltones.bandcamp. Johnny Mac & the Souls of Emotion Road to Damascus music.apple.com Only Child Wintersong onlychild1.bandcamp.com Thom Morecroft The Feng Shui and the Sushi thommorecroftbc.bandcamp.com wirrallife.com 55