Wiregrass Seniors Magazine March 2018 APRIL ISSUE | Page 17

A Lost Man WiregrassSeniorsMagazine.com by Jeff Resnick What an interesting community this was! Independent living, assisted living, memory care, all housed in con- nected buildings on a community campus. I was in- vited to perform at their annual Christmas party, where all residents and their families would dine in the large, common dining hall. When I arrived to set up, the party was already bustling pretty well. The staff had pre- pared quite a spread of food and drink to accommo- date a variety of tastes. Relatives strolled from table to table, happy to see each other once again after a year-long separation. I set up in the lounge area next to the dining hall, so as not to disturb those wishing to eat and talk without the intrusion of any musical dis- tractions. Picture I began my performance in a different way, by neces- sity. Since all the residents and guests were by then seated in the dining hall, there was no one to tell corny jokes to in the lounge! So, when the clock ticked 6 PM, I just began. By myself. As you might expect, it didn’t take more than a song or two for stragglers to migrate over to the lounge, where they seated them- selves comfortably. One gentleman caught my atten- tion right away. Frankly, he didn’t look as old as the others. And he was dressed to the nines, as they say. My first thought was that he was a business owner, here to spend the evening with friends and relatives. Soon, there were a few dozen people in the lounge. Listening. Watching. Smiling. Talking. A few even danced. A good time for all. The gentleman suddenly got up from his seat and started looking around the room. Frantically. Looking for someone. Or, something. He wandered away. Fol- lowed, I noticed, by a nurse’s aide in uniform. As more and more people ventured into the lounge, I used the opportunity to pause my performance. A perfect time to finally begin with my usual introduction! You know the routine by now, right? Who I am. What I’m doing continued on next page Page 17