Wire Shelving and Hygienic Shelving Systems from Storage Design Ltd SDL Wire Shelf 2017 literature_opt | Page 6

~ STORAGE DESIGN LTD ~ 2017 Wire Shelving ESD ECLIPSE CHROME ACCESSORIES SAFE Upgrade Available ECLIPSE CHROME WIRE SPECIAL SHELVES AND ACCESSORIES Eclipse chrome wire units can be adapted and modified to suit your needs as required. Special shelves such as sloping (27 degree and 45 degree), basket, lipped and reel shelves, as well as accessories such as garment rails, shelf dividers and utility rails can be added onto units or can replace existing shelves to make your shelving more versatile. Please see the following pages and explore the different accessories that can be added to the Eclipse Chrome units. p6 STORAGE DESIGN LTD TEL:01446772614 [email protected] www.storage-design.ltd.uk