the XM Series Handheld CMM for easy 3D and
GD&T measurement. By early 2019, they were
busy measuring parts with both. For the triangular
clip mentioned earlier, he says the IM is not only
significantly faster than the previous inspection
method, but much more accurate as well.
transfer one of Gamma’s CNC machine operators
from the shop floor to quality control to begin
training him as an inspector; while the would-be QC
technician operates the inspection systems, his more
experienced colleagues are now free to work on the
shop’s larger parts.
“We can check a complete part in just a couple
“The programming is super easy, the software has a
minutes now, and measuring the holes literally takes bunch of different measuring routines, and there’s
just a few seconds,” he says. “There’s no need to align even an import function, so we can pull in CAD
the part, no fixture, we just set the part or even
files and use them as a starting point,” he says.
multiple parts on the stage and push the button. The “For this workpiece in particular, it’s been a huge
KEYENCE goes out and finds whatever’s on the stage, improvement, but the KEYENCE units quite simply
identifies a pre-defined key feature, electronically
rock. To be honest, I was a little worried at first
orients the part, and gets measuring. The dimensions about throwing new technology into our equipment
are recorded automatically, and as long as you can tell mix, especially considering how much we’ve always
the difference between a green light and a red one,
relied on our conventional CMMs, but everyone in
anyone can operate it.”
the department took right to it. Now they just love
The team has programmed dozens of other parts
since the IM and XM’s arrival. Since the KEYENCE
units are so easy to use, Jackson was able to
6 WIRE NEWS September 2019