CRU to Host Strategic Discussions on Energy
Grid Cable Developments, the Future of
Fibre Technology and Potential Impact of
Brexit on Manufacturing and Trade
CRU, provider of cable news, analysis and
consulting is to hold its CRU Wire & Cable
Conference in London 8-10 June 2020.
This year’s conference includes industry thought
leaders addressing some of the most pressing
issues facing the global wire and cable industry.
The industry keynote presentation will be given by
Professor Anand Menon, Professor of European
Politics and Foreign Affairs at Kings College
London; on the economic impact of the UK
government’s Brexit proposals, followed by a Q&A
with a CRU expert on the implications for wire and
cable producers and consumers. Professor Menon,
as director of The UK in a Changing Europe an
award-winning academic think tank on Brexit, has
been one of the UK’s leading experts on Brexit
An energy presentation will be given by Antonella
Battaglini on the role of the global cable making
industry in enabling wind and solar grid
integration. Antonella is the Founder and Chief
Executive Officer of the Renewables Grid Initiative
(RGI), a unique collaboration of European
NGOs and TSOs that promotes transparent,
environmentally sensitive grid development to
enable the further steady growth of renewable
energy and the energy transition. She will be
joined by Mike Lee, Head of Asset Management,
Transmission Investment will providean operator’s
perspective on the challenges being faced in the
evolution of Offshore Transmission in the UK.
Professor Sir David Payne will discuss
communication and explore the future of
fibre technology. A world class pioneer of
technology whose work has had a great impact
on telecommunications and laser technology, Sir
David is Chairman Emeritus, The Marconi Society
and Director of the Optoelectronics Research
Centre, University of Southampton.
They will be joined by on the agenda by senior
representatives of leading wire and cable
manufacturers, speakers that have already
confirmed include Pratik Agarwal, Managing
Director, Sterlite Power Transmission Company;
Axel Schlumberger, Senior Vice President,
Southwire and Richard Antic, Vice President
Business Development, Champlain Cable.Now
in its 14th year, this important industry forum
attracts over 200 senior executives, including the
leading cable producers, and wider the insulated
wire and cable supply chain.
“With the event set to take place in London for
the first time in its history, so close to CRU’s
headquarters, the conference this will offer the
best opportunity to gain face time with these
industry leaders and CRU experts from across
our wire, fibre, copper, aluminium and economics
teams,” commented Nicola Coslett, CEO, CRU
The conference also offers the perspectives of
cable makers from around the world, alongside
distributors and other industry leaders on the