Zink Korner cuts energy consumption
in galvanizing by 15 percent
Efficient furnaces for hot dip galvanizing
For galvanizing at temperatures between 450 and
460 °C, Zink Körner has developed its new RECU-
TEC hot dip galvanizing technology, which allows
the input energy to be recovered directly in the
furnace. These furnaces are equipped with a steel
tank and natural-gas fired flat flame burners.
Controlled waste gas flow takes the heat in the
furnace exactly where it is needed.
The new RECU-CHANNEL recuperative heat
exchanger system may achieve energy savings
of more than 15 percent in batch-parts, wire and
small-parts galvanizing. In typical batch-parts
galvanizing plants, this may result in approx.
30,000 euros saved on natural gas costs every year.
WN JUNE 2017
Innovative recuperation technology
The new RECU-CHANNEL recuperativ e heat
exchanger system heats the kettle very uniformly
and exactly to the required temperatures.
Operation of the furnace requires more than 15