WIPP's myContracting Magazine July 2014 | Page 24

Patti Winstanley 's Tip:

"Make sure your company has the bandwidth to take on a government contract, and be familiar with the Far Regulations before you bid.

Stay focused, use the resources that are available, and get certified - it can open doors for you. "

Patti Winstanley

President, Aztec Promotional Group LP

K. PatriceWilliam's Tip:

"Your company visual brand in important.  Procurement officers are looking for indication that your company looks creditable, reliable, professional and established. Make sure your Logo, Business Card, Capability Statement and Website represent your corporate brand."

K. Patrice Williams

President, BrandGOV Inc.

Trena Payton's Tip:

"My tip would be to ensure that you are getting all the information you can on opportunities from the available free information.  Most people use FBO.gov for current opportunity research, but you can use it for organization POC information, archived RFPs from previous efforts, trends.  Another site like FPDS.gov can help uncover information about incumbents and their past and current contracts.  Practice using these sites and they will reap extensive information to support your go-no go opportunity decisions.  Lastly, for those that are looking for more detail on competitors, try dsbs.sba.gov.  I like it better than SAM.gov for information.  But, companies can opt to not update their information on this site, so remember to look at the date at the top of the records."

Trena Payton

President, ABN Technologies


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