Wintop Healthcare Fund Wintop Healthcare Fund | Page 5

$ 2.2 trillion In ASIA
Global healthcare spending expected to accelerate at average rate of 5 % growth p . a to $ 9.3 trillion * in 2018 , approx 24 % ($ 2.2 trillion ) from Asia


$ 2.2 trillion In ASIA

$ 9.3 trillion Global healthcare spending
( projected 2018 )

Global healthcare spending expected to accelerate at average rate of 5 % growth p . a to $ 9.3 trillion * in 2018 , approx 24 % ($ 2.2 trillion ) from Asia

* World industry outlook : Healthcare and pharmaceu + cals , The Economist Intelligence Unit , May 2014
Rise of Asia
Affluent Lifestyle
Healthcare Reform
Wide Spectrum
Cross-Border Interest
Asia is now the most exci + ng part of the world for healthcare businesses with ageing demographics and rapidly rising incomes across the region .
Affluence in Asia has led to surge in chronic ailments like diabetes and coronary diseases and growing demand for healthcare , including preven + ve and wellbeing healthcare .
Driven need to control healthcare cost and to provide beMer coverage , the healthcare system is also undergoing radical reforms which provide abundant opportuni + es for innova + ve firms .
Healthcare offers range of investments from defensive mature cash genera + ng assets ( clinic chains & established pharmacies ) to aggressive targets such as small cap biotech or drug discovery companies that poten + ally offer mul + plier returns .
Asian healthcare companies are gaining confidence and have increasingly seek to expand across the region to build scale and widen scope of opera + ons .