Winter Spring 2018 Edition NACCE_WinterSpring_2018_NonMember | Page 15

NACCE/GROWTHWHEEL PARTNERSHIP Leap Forward: Bringing Three Trends into Your Classroom By Elizabeth Bining, Product and Learning Specialist, GrowthWheel International, Brooklyn, New York O ften we encourage our students to study the competition. While this is helpful in determining their market position, it’s a defensive move. The point is to see if they can fit in and take a piece of the existing pie.   Looking ahead  - now that’s an offensive move that can help your students position themselves before the competition has even had their first cup of coffee. But predicting the next leap forward in any field can be tricky business. There are some robust trends in entrepreneurship occurring these days, and here are my top three, along with suggestions as to how we can reflect these in the classroom: 1: Focus on the WHY! As countless authors have told us last year, current and future entrepreneurs need to be mindful of why they are doing what they are doing. Storytelling, or communicating key messages via themes and stories, is a powerful way to connect “the why” of your student’s business to their employees, customers, and even vendors. Entrepreneurship teachers must not just teach the business of business, but teach the personal, “who cares?” side of business. Faculty can guide students of all ages to consider why entrepreneurship is important in today’s economy and why it’s important to the students themselves.  Proper storytelling is not only a business skill, but also a way for students to connect us more deeply with their own big “why.” 2: Personalization Connecting the general “mindful movement,” emotional intelligence, and the most recent focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI), personalization is the process of tailoring an organization’s messages, marketing channels, and products and services to each individual customer. Companies are increasingly seeing their customers as “segments of one” so everyone receives a personalized experience. Like all industries, entrepreneurship education will also involve making customized “products” or learning experiences and communication. Students now expect their own personal educational experience and customization is the norm like never before, not only for products, but also for communication. Creating a personalized curriculum doesn’t have to be as daunting as it initially seems. Having a toolbox of experiential learning exercises at the ready can help you plug and play those tools into your classroom so each student receives a personal learning experience. 3: Technology Is Everywhere Perhaps the most obvious trend, that technology is everywhere - from Internet of Things (IoT) in the home to bluetooth payments at every counter - will continue to grow in almost every industry from farming to health care to retail to construction. Even in non-tech industries, any company started today will use much more technology than businesses ever have before. Shouldn’t we reflect that reality in our classrooms? As technology immerses the e-ship agenda, faculty need to explore how they can use technology in the classroom as well. IT is an essential part of any business, and working with online tools in the classroom helps keep students accountable in an efficient manner. Alas, only by looking backwards can we have true 20/20 vision when it comes to knowing where to leap next. But trying to bring the trends you see into your classroom can be a wise move that can help you connect the e-ship agenda with students and create more engagement and better learning. ● Contact: Elizabeth@ “As technology immerses the e-ship agenda, faculty need to explore how they can use technology in the classroom as well.” National Association For Community College Entrepreneurship • 25