Find Your ROOTS
Beginning Genealogy
Genealogy, aka Family History is the second most popular
hobby in America. Join us as we learn the basic foundation
needed to begin searching for your ancestors. Debra
Fischer of Genealogical Appointments will teach beginners
how to fill out a pedigree chart, family group sheets and
research logs to begin your search. Start a lifelong hobby!
Age 18+. #5207 MHPA 11am–noon, four Mondays
beginning February 2. Price: $54. Register by: January 28
Genealogy: Surfing the Net at 3am
Learn some of the ins and outs of searching for your
ancestors on the internet. What sites might be free and
what sites need your credit card. Can I find my ancestors
who were living in the old country without having to book
a flight there? Learn the art of saving and printing the
documents that you find. Bring along a laptop, tablet or
USB flash drive. Instructor: Debra Fischer of Genealogical
Appointments. Age 18+. #5208 MHPA 11am–1pm,
March 2. Price: $39. Register by: February 25
Genealogy: Organize It Now
And the papers keep piling up all over. Where was that
document that I needed? With this workshop you will be
taught how to organize your masses of paper that you
have compiled. Learn how to organize your computer
area while coordinating it with your physical file cabinet
and your software program. Bring either your laptop or
a flash drive along with either a pedigree chart or family
group sheets. Instructor: Debra Fischer of Genealogical
Appointments. Age 18+. #5210 MHPA 11am–1pm,
March 16. Price $39. Register by: March 11
I Found This Genealogy Document,
Now What?
You have searched many places and while you have
accumulated various information, are you really dissecting
it for all its worth? What are we finding on those census
schedules, vital records and the likes thereof? Debra
Fischer of Genealogical Appointments will help you answer
some of those questions and more on how to move forward
from those documents. Bring to the workshop some records
that you have collected and let’s tear them apart. Age 18+.
#5209 MHPA 11am–1pm, March 9. Price: $39.
Register by: March 4