Winter Newsletter Winter 2021 | Page 2

Lu's Letter

Dear Readers,

We are so very happy to share about happenings for all ages and all stages of our community.  Our fantastic arts and humanities partners are engaging people in free concerts, a super affordable Nutcracker ballet performance, and the Carnegie Library of Homestead has kicked off a regularly scheduled Teen LEGO night. These events provide a sense of belonging and are driven by autistic consultants helping everyone do things just right.  While many are staying home and avoiding crowds, others are heading out to try new things.  We respect the diversity around us and hope you are staying well and having some good days here and there no matter where you do your thing.

What's the big deal about the arts related to autism?  Escaping reality for an hour or two is good self care, and provides a mindfulness activity to calm nerves and take a break from the intensity of our problem-filled world.  "Art moments" can really help folks get through the week before (looking forward) and even a few days after (reflecting on positive memories).  Life needs to be more than waiting lists, therapy, and medical appointments. Our community partners lift our mental health by carving out time in a caring way to share their talents and spaces with us - remotely or in person.