Winter Guide 2023-24 | Page 62

Mini Poms
Hip Hop
Mini Poms
Learn special poms techniques and personal projection as we combine Jazz , Hip Hop and basic cheer moves into synchronized routines . Each class begins with structured warm-ups designed to strengthen core muscles and get you ready to dance . This class will perform in the Spring Dance Recital .
Park Center
Th • 5-6 pm
1 / 18-5 / 2
6-10 Yrs
$ 307 /$ 366
Note : All classes in the Spring Dance Recital include a costume fee and will perform at Glenbrook South High School on Saturday , May 4 , 2024 .
Hip Hop
Students in Hip Hop Beginners will learn and practice building blocks of Hip Hop dance as well as the vocabulary and history associated with it . Including bounce , rock , groove , skates , rolls , and much more . This class will also work on taking fundamental body movements and applying them to the student ' s dance . Students in Intermediate Hip Hop class will work on furthering their understanding of Hip Hop dance and culture . They will learn more advanced implications of footwork , isolations , polyrhythms , choreography , and floorwork . This class will perform in the Spring Dance Recital . Park Center
W • 5:15-6:15 pm
1 / 17-5 / 1
8-10 Yrs
$ 307 /$ 366
W • 6:30-7:30 pm
1 / 17-5 / 1
9-14 Yrs
$ 307 /$ 366