Winter Garden Magazine September 2018 | Page 32



You feel cruddy at some point in your life . No matter how hard you try , eventually , “ the turkeys will get you down .” So many stressors in life today , like keeping up with the mortgage payment , and not defaulting on the home equity loan you also took out , maintaining the kids ’ health and well-being which probably means a lot of time-consuming driving back and forth to soccer or dance , not to mention disagreements and struggles within your only source of income ; all of this combined will take its toll on you . Your mind goes into overtime , occupied with calculating the time necessary to cram all of your obligations into the same allotted 24-hour period everyone else is given . Add to time stressors , the unhappiness you feel getting up and going to a job that is sapping your will to live , and that doesn ’ t even cover relationship strains that color your world . Not seeing any sign of this vicious cycle ever ending , and you living out your days with nothing to pull you out of this gloomy funk , will bring anyone down to the pit of depression . At such a low point , it may be hard to foresee a way out , but there are some things that you can do to help yourself .

Recognize the path to “ something ’ s got to give ”, and start devoting some time to you . It is the inner you that needs to be coddled right now , and you know you better than anyone what is bothering you and weighing you down .
Marion E . Wildey
While you will be subjective to your inner needs , you will also have to take an objective approach to virtually put your foot down when pressures are reaching capacity for coping . The sooner you recognize the need to insert a breather into your routine , the easier it will be to keep things in check in the future . Despite your best efforts to always home cook your meals , know that on occasion , it ’ s okay to pick up a Publix sub , or order take out from the Thai restaurant . This should free up at least 30 minutes you can put towards a soak in the tub and close your eyes . Lie back , and slow your breathing as you take long , slow , deep and even breaths . Your heart rate and breathing rate should decrease as well , which will result in some inner peace , and space in your brain to approach one issue at a time . It may be difficult to sit in the tub and do nothing , especially with your mind going full blast in reckless chatter like you ’ re sitting in the pub on St . Patrick ’ s Day , so focus on the most basic human function . Breathe . Feel your chest rise as you concentrate and participate in each inhale . Keep the breath as even as possible as you draw breath in through the nostrils . Hold for just a quick pause at the top capacity of your inhaling breath and part your lips slightly to exhale through your mouth . Setting a timer will clear your plate to think about what surfaces , so you need only concentrate on breathing in and out . Your mind will get distracted by a thought drifting by about