Winter Garden Magazine September 2017 | Page 49

seeing yourself consistently in the mirror or the shower, and the kitchen is the place where you prepare your food, and the visuals should impact what you prepare for your meals. It may be necessary to relocate pictures or quotes after a month or so, as you become blind to them like the nationals who no longer notice the remnants of ancient Rome surrounding them, but that exist on every corner of the modern city. Keep your environment current so that it readily will grab your attention. Just like massive weed mounds that threaten to overtake your landscape beds and destroy your labors to create a paradise around you, initiating and maintaining change requires upkeep, and to be honest, to keep this change moving, you have to walk the walk and talk the talk until this way of healthy eating becomes second nature, and something you don’t h ave to consciously think about. Slowly start your quest. Wholeheartedly try two full days a week only eating fresh, healthy meals. As you become comfortable, see if you can’t increase the number of days that your eating is clean and salubrious. It is quintessential to read a couple fitness magazines to bone up on working out, improving technique, acquiring recipes, and even how to get started. The more you immerse yourself in messages that promote healthy eating, the more you are permeated with good decisions. Hearing and seeing fellow strugglers is inspirational, and it goes to show you are not the only one trying to improve your situation. See, read and think to commit to the reason you chose to work out and eat right. Eventually, your choices will carry over to more full days of clean eating, and you’ll experience a change in your overall living. Sustainable change is gradual; Take it slow and steady. Write out positive notes for working out: “Sweat is just your fat crying.” Choose quotes that you connect with and will inspire you. maintain your involvement. Being involved means you are at the controls and you are taking charge of your decision because you are actively taking part in the process. The more you’re invested, the more vested you become, which keeps you on the straight and narrow with your desire for change. Create some ground rules; Finish your last meal two to three hours before bedtime, have cucumber water or flavored water available to drink, and rule that the kitchen is closed after the evening meal. This will give you the perfect reason to say no to any nighttime cravings. Following this brief outline to initiate change in your life can be applied to anything you desire. While structure is necessary, the sky’s the limit. Finally, support your decision with healthy food in the fridge. When the snacky monster rears its nasty head, be prepared with healthy items on your plan. There are several ways to attack when the monster comes a calling. Teach yourself to trade out poor habits like grabbing whatever sweet or salty snack is available, and instead, reach for pre-cut fruit portioned into serving-size containers. Keep that monster at bay by taking a walk or drinking a big glass of fruit or citrus-infused water. Of course, it will take some preparation on your part, but in doing so, you SEPTEMBER 2017  |   WINTER GARDEN MAGAZINE   |   49