dedicated to seeking new ways to
make more and better food while
helping to build a more sustainable
food system.
wholesaler to retailer to table. Sensors
measure and report temperature,
moisture and metabolite data, which
is then converted to carton-level
freshness and shelf life assessment
Rizal Hamdallah, head of Tyson using FDA standards among other
Innovation Lab said, “The ¡Yappah! data.
brand mission is unique, important
and far-reaching. It was created to Walmart seeks to eliminate $2 billion
inspire people and partners to rethink in waste over the next five years and
their relationship to food and how it has already prevented $86 million
impacts society. Through this launch, in waste by using Eden in 43 of its
we intend to address global food distribution centers.
challenges such as food waste.”
ConAgra Brands - which makes
The chips come in four flavors - Bertolli and P.F. Chang’s frozen meals
chicken celery mojo, chicken carrot in Russellville, Arkansas - has been
curry, chicken IPA, and white cheddar leading food waste reduction efforts
and chicken sunshine shandy beer for nearly a decade and achieved an
- and are packaged in recyclable 81.7 percent landfill diversion rate in
aluminum cans. The crisps would 2017 corporate-wide.
be available to consumers in October.
“Waste reduction is critically
Bentonville-based Walmart has important to our company and we are
introduced Eden technology that dedicated to making improvements
focuses on tracking the freshness of throughout our operations as part
produce as it travels from farm to of our zero waste strategy,” said Gail
Tavill, vice president, sustainable
development, ConAgra Brands. “Many
by-products of food preparation are
highly valued as animal feed, source
material for recycling, energy recovery
or composting, or sometimes even
suitable for donation to feed people
when safe and properly handled.”
Saving money, time and
reducing waste
The bottom line when it comes to
food waste reduction: Efficient,
cost-effective companies are best
positioned to deliver affordable
products to consumers, grow, create
jobs and support their communities.
Food waste management as practiced
by several Arkansas food and
manufacturing industry leaders is not
only saving money and resources,
it’s making a difference in the lives
of U.S. citizens and people around
the globe. And using best practices at
home is healthier for families’ bodies
and their budget.