Winter Garden Magazine November 2018 | Page 23

How women business owners cracked the glass ceiling continued from pg. 12 In the 1980s, the Small Business Administration released a report that mistakenly claimed almost all women-owned businesses were home-based and had sales of under $10,000 per year - largely because data to the contrary wasn’t available. Knowing this to be a factually misleading report, the National Association of Women Business Owners’ then- president, Gillian Rudd, held a press conference on the steps of the U.S. Capitol to publicly call out the misguided report, which kicked off the call for H.R. 5050. With the belief that knowledge is power, this bill mandated that the government collect more complete information on the state of women-owned businesses. Together, these pillars helped pave the road for women business owners - and over the past 15 years alone, women-owned enterprises have grown 1.5 times faster than other small enterprises. Access to capital is crucial for any business, and this legislation helped evolve long- outdated practices and beliefs that unfairly favored men. In recent years, online lending platforms like Funding Circle are helping to create opportunities for all. There still may be miles to go in continuing to equalize credit opportunity for everyone, but this significant step in women’s business history is surely worthy of celebration. NOVEMBER 2018 | WINTER GARDEN MAGAZINE |   23