Winter Garden Magazine November 2017 | Page 3

Editor’s Note November, a month of Gratitude and falling leaves of color. I am looking forward to those cooler nights walking through the WG, enjoying the fall colors and the new store displays while people watching. We have recovered well from the onslaught of nature of the past few months and are ready to get back to WG normalcy! cee castillo [email protected] Publisher / Editor-in-Chief Editor Brett Dault [email protected] Contributors Audrey Costa Michelle L. Curtis Brett Dault Irv Lipscomb Allison Couture Otero Samantha Rhodes Marion E. Wildey Layout & Graphic Design George Hevel IV Samantha Rhodes taylor mobley Illustration Taylor Mobley Photography Samantha Rhodes Advertising Janet Kerrebrock [email protected] 407.792.4892 Contact Us 13640 W. Colonial Drive, Suite 160 Winter Garden, FL 34787 407.966.3446 MusicFest will be filling Downtown with the glorious sounds of local bands and all around the WG folks start preparing for the holiday season. I have said this before and I will say it again, as it is worth revisiting… “Thanksgiving is a Holiday. It is a day when we celebrate the grace in our lives, the people we love and the abundance or at the very least, the hope for abundance. Abundance not only in the sense of finances, but love, friendships and happiness.” I am so grateful for each oy you, our amazing WG friends and neighbors! Please be safe during the mad rush to Black Friday and remember, Thanksgiving is not Black Friday’s Eve. Enjoy your family and football to the fullest and, again, with all my heart, THANK YOU! Have a fantastic Thanksgiving! Happy Birthday shout outs to Laurie Tarter, Vinny, Parker, Jason, LeeAnn Brown, Megan, Caitlyn, Derek, Matt Selfie, Jeanne, Rod Reeves, Rod S., George Hevel IV, Jean, Kelly Richards, Mia, Sarah, Debby, Molly, MattE, Nick, Jennifer, Officer Joe, Linda, Christy, Katie Rose, Jonathan P., Mindy, Louis, Justin, Andrea M, Andrea C, Morgann and ALL of you November Birthdays! The WG Magazine is a monthly publication distributed through media outlets, sold at newsstands and mailed directly to subscribed homes and businesses throughout Winter Garden and the surrounding areas. Readership per edition 15,000. Castle Cross Media Group, Inc., 13640 W. Colonial Drive, Suite 160 Winter Garden, FL 34787, is the parent company of the The WG Magazine and The Winter Garden Magazine, The previous names and the wax seal logo are federally registered trademarks. Reproduction or use in whole or in part of the contents of this magazine or of the trademarks of Castle Cross Media Group, Inc., without written permission of the Publisher, is prohibited. The WG Magazine’s due diligence process ensures the accuracy of content published. Neither the publisher nor advertisers will be held responsible for any errors and or omissions found herein. The publisher accepts no liability for the accuracy of statements made by advertisers in their ads and/or any open forum letter to the editor or in paid promotional features. NOVEMBER 2017  |   WINTER GARDEN MAGAZINE   |   3