What is your favorite song you’ve written and why?
It’s a tie between “Who Really Wins” and “Fireflies.”
“Who Really Wins” was the first fast-paced, sassy song
I had written. “Fireflies” was one of the first homesick
songs I had written. It was a topic I hadn’t written
about before, and I feel that it really encompasses
my feelings of home and everything I miss about it.
What is your biggest accomplishment so far?
My biggest accomplishment so far has been moving
to Florida and playing my music. Moving to a big city
on my own and not knowing anyone, and for the first
time putting myself out there. I only dreamed of playing
my songs for people but never thought others would
enjoy what I’d written. Back home, I had only played
covers or songs that other people had written. Of course,
What message are you trying to send through your music? when my EP drops, that will probably be my biggest
I never really think too much about the message. I guess that I’m accomplishment...but I don’t plan on stopping there!
just trying to share my stories with whomever wants to listen.
What did you want you be when you were a kid?
What’s next for your career?
I do remember once when I was little I told my dad
I’m actually working on my first EP, “Fireflies,” set for I wanted to play basketball for the University of
release on June 11th on all major platforms like Spotify Tennessee, but I quit that sport in middle school, so
and Pandora. The fact I’m recording my own songs to that dream was severed quickly. I’ve always wanted
send out for the world to hear is a pretty crazy thought and to perform and sing, from the minute I sang my first
I’m super excited to see where that takes me. Join us at solo in church. I think “little me” would be proud!
Attic Door that night from 7 - 10pm for the Release Party! Listen to Elizabeth's music at www.
1. Whiskey or water? 10. Habit or impulse?
2. Is it better to ask forgiveness or permission? 11. Chocolate or potato chips?
3. Dogs or cats? 12. Favorite color?
4. Favorite song of all time? Both? The Tennessean in me can't live without sweet
tea, but I have to have my coffee before a work day.
That Tennessee Whiskey baby
Before or after the whiskey?
I'm definitely more of a cat person, but I've been dying
to adopt a Corgi
This is the hardest question. I'm in love iwth so many
songs...I guess one of the top 10 for me is "Back in
Black" by ACDC has always been one of my favorites.
That song always gets me pumped up for anything.
5. Favorite season?
Fall in Tennessee. The leaves change color and the
weather feels amazing. 60 degrees with a slight
breeze and the smell of bonfires at night…plus you
have Halloween AND Thanksgiving. Yeah, I love fall!
13. Tea or coffee?
14. Phone call or text?
I text more but prefer phone calls.
15. Big party or small gathering?
Small gathering
16. Work hard or play hard?
I'm always working way too hard.
6. Dream car? 17. Funny or romantic?
7. What’s your favorite thing about yourself? 18. Passive or aggressive?
Volkswagon Bus
My favorite thing about myself is that I never give up on
something that I want.
8. Books or movies?
Movies, but I love a good book.
9. Early morning or late night?
I used to be a midnight owl, but the older I get, the
keener I am to mornings.
19. Love or money?
20. Passive or defiant?
MAY 2018