Happy Mother's Day
1960, where she sold a pastel for 25
bucks (over $200 today!)
A charter member of the West Orange
Junior Service League (then the
WG Welfare League), Kathryn has
always taken pride in her beloved WG
community. Having been a resident
going on over 75 years now, she’s quite
a proponent for the beautification of
the downtown area, giving support
wherever possible and lauding efforts
whenever due.
Her daughter-in-law Sabrina says
of Kathryn, “she is such a happy
soul – gracious and quick with a
compliment. She is cheerful with a
twinkle in her eye and always ready
to cut up!”
Kathryn stayed happily married to
Albert until his death in June of 1994.
In her 80’s, she met and married her
second husband, Herbert Ilgenfritz,
who passed away in 2014.
Still living local in the downtown WG
area, Kathryn loves visiting with her
son, Bert C. Valdes, Jr. (an amazing
artist and sculptor himself) and
daughter-in-law Sabrina Etheridge
(a duo you may know around Moon
Cricket Grille!), her grandsons Albert
Valdes III and Brandon Valdes, and
Brandon’s wife Melissa. And lest we
forget Riley, her dear dog of 14 years.
After sitting and chatting with Sabrina
and Bert over lunch at their home,
looking at old pictures and pieces
of Kathryn’s art, you could feel their
admiration, love and respect for this
sweet and enduring woman.
An accomplished and gifted artist
herself, Sabrina adds, “women who
have led a life like Kathryn has and
come out the other side with such a
great attitude should be revered and
And honor her we do.
Happy 102nd, Kathryn!
MAY 2018