few chemicals as possible—for your landscapes. Fertilizers and pesticides can leach through the soil or run off
family’s health and the health of the into storm drains. Along with landscape debris and eroded soil, these can
wreak havoc on our water quality and the fragile ecosystems our water
resources support. Florida-Friendly Landscaping seeks to retain and use as
7. Recycle Yard Waste
much of the rainfall and irrigation water that lands on our home landscapes
Landscape maintenance activities like as possible. Creating shallow rain gardens, or shaping the earth on slopes
mowing, pruning, and raking generate with berms (rises) and swales (dips), can help slow runoff from heavy rains
yard waste that you can recycle to and allow the water time to soak into the ground. Make sure your downspout
save money. Decomposed organic is pointed into the garden, not towards a sidewalk or driveway. Wherever
matter, like pruned branches or grass possible, maintain permeable walkways, driveways, and patios of brick,
clippings, releases nutrients back to gravel, earth, or crushed shell, to allow rain to soak into the ground.
the soil in a form that plants can easily
use. Try composting, combining 9. Protect the Waterfront
“green” (nitrogen-rich) and “brown” Florida boasts over 10,000 miles of rivers and streams, about 7,800 lakes,
(carbon-rich) materials, such as grass more than 700 freshwater springs, and the nation’s second-longest coastline.
clippings, weeds, plant trimmings, egg Even if you don’t live immediately on one of these water bodies, you do
shells, coffee grounds, tea bags, twigs live in what’s known as a watershed (a drainage area). What you do in your
and branches, pine needles, corncobs, home landscape has much further-reaching consequences than you might
and shredded cardboard. Turn or stir think. One of the most important steps you can take to protect any water
the pile as you build it, and add water body is maintaining a 10-foot “maintenance-free zone” around it. Do not
so microorganisms can break down mow, fertilize, or use pesticides in this zone. Don’t let any grass clippings or
the material, but make sure you cover pet wastes get into the water, as these carry nutrients and harmful bacteria.
the pile to protect it from rain. Add Seawalls, rip rap, and gabions can keep help minimize shoreline erosion, and
this nutrient-rich mixture to your soil if you maintain a riparian (water’s edge) zone, install native aquatic plants
and enjoy the benefits: looser soil with such as giant bulrush and maidencane, and remove invasive exotic species
greater water-holding capacity and like water hyacinth and purple loosestrife. A stormwater pond or canal can
increased fertility — not to mention become an aesthetically pleasing and lively place, edged with plants and
less garbage going to the landfill!
home to wildlife. Work with your neighbors or homeowner association to
make your stormwater pond a Florida-Friendly neighborhood amenity.
8. Reduce Stormwater Runoff
Florida’s waterways are vulnerable For additional resources on how to ensure your home landscape is Florida-
to everything we put on our home Friendly, visit www.floridayards.org.
MARCH 2019