Yep, you have to pay for
this one — but it’s worth it. The app greenMeter
is an energy consumption tracker for your car,
and it’s designed to detect and change your
driving habits in order to conserve fuel. If you
happen to be a fuel hog and have no idea why,
calibrate the app to your driving and see what
it says.
The most robust, detailed and
fun air quality app from the
French co-founders of Plume
Labs. Users can either choose
to share their location or search for a city
for current conditions to pop up. A cartoon
cloud’s expression and the sky behind it changes
depending on the quality of the air in that city.
Depending on the air quality at the time, the
icon will either be red, which signals users
should “take care” under that circumstance,
orange meaning users should “take it easy,” or
the icon will light up with a green “go for it”
color. The app has a social aspect where users
can add current air quality levels to photos and
share them.
Joulebug takes the whole
making-life-sustainable thing
and shapes it into a game.
Every suggestion about an eco-
friendly habit or practice that
becomes a reality is a way to earn Pins, Trophies,
Badges, and other assorted goodies. You can
compete with people in your neighborhood for
greener-than-thou status — but you’ve got to
tell the app whenever you take its advice.
Like Commute Greener, this is an app that tries
to minimize the environmental impact of your
trips — but GTC, one of Commute Greener’s
partners, is focused on international tourism.
If you want to jump on a jet plane, this is the
app to tap to make sure your worldwide travel
is as green as possible. Plus, they’re linking up
with ecotourism businesses to guarantee your
holiday’s sustainable, too.
MARCH 2019
continued from pg. 05