you breathe in the fresh air. Plus, the way. A little planning ahead
getting a daily dose of vitamin D of time can help you accomplish
from the sun does the body good.” multiple things at once: You’re getting
exercise, completing an errand and
Bring friends
reducing your carbon footprint.”
“It’s no secret when you work out
with other people they tend to hold
Be purposeful
you accountable, but there’s also “You may only have a few minutes a
more benefit than just that,” says day to dedicate to exercise, but that
Gaz. “When you take an exercise doesn’t mean you can’t make a big
class, join a running club or biking impact,” says Gaz. “Being purposeful
group, you may end up pushing with your choices is important. For
yourself harder. The people next to example, use intervals in your workout
you become your exercise advocates routine to maximize outcomes. If you
and suddenly, you’ll have the desire enjoy walking, do a brisk 30 or 60
to keep up and do more. This can seconds, then walk slower for the
accelerate reaching your fitness goals.” same period of time before pushing
yourself again. This type of interval
Rethink commuting
training is simple, yet highly effective.
“Anything you can do to break up the It works similarly for other activities
monotony of sitting is a good thing.” like swimming, biking and running.”
Try being creative in commuting
and how you travel throughout the To find more tips about improving
day. “If possible, walk or bike to your health with creative approaches
work or the grocery store. You can to exercise or to set up a visit with a
also take the bus, get off a couple wellness expert, visit healthyliving.
blocks early and walk the rest of
JUNE 2018