of which help keep moving parts mobile and cleaned out . Fasting before your blood panel will give proper readings of the glucose present in your blood sugar level . A higher glucose level indicates that your pancreas is working overtime to create the hormone insulin , which regulates glucose levels in the body . BMI is the final foundational measurement used to assess your ground floor health . The ratio of your height in meters divided by weight in kilograms results in where your body lies in optimal performance based upon your frame , and how much it is carrying around . Once you have these rudiments of health , you can now work on a proactive health plan to reverse any problems .
“ The key is not to prioritize what ' s on your schedule , but to schedule your priorities .” -Educator Stephen Covey ( b . 24 October 1932 , d . 16 July 2012 )
Your annual Well Woman exam is about you , and you are there to maintain optimal health ; step up to the plate and let your GP know any concerns you have , and take the information your doctor gives you about your health to heart . The unhealthy habits you have can be undone and replaced with healthy habits , including free smoking cessation aids . Plan to ask your doctor to thoroughly discuss your results , how to alter them , and to recommend modifications for an improved diet and exercise plan . With your doctor ' s suggestions , you can beat the odds and keep your body running like the well-oiled machine that it is . If you were to compare your body with the machinations of a vehicle , you wouldn ' t expect the car to run indefinitely without preventative maintenance , and the same doctrine applies to your body .
Philosophically speaking , women have big hearts and tend to take care of everyone around them , failing to focus on themselves . While caring for others is virtuous , if women don ' t take themselves into account they can do no good for anyone . The heart is the center of one ' s being , both physically and philosophically , so it stands to reason that it must be cared for with ultimate fastidiousness .
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Ladies , keep your heart healthy
Schedule annual Well Woman exams
Focus on a healthy diet which balances plant-based foods with low-fat and fresh
foods instead of processed foods
Maintaining an exercise program
If your heart is healthy , then your body is healthy … and it ' s more than possible to beat the odds . Knowing the facts and information is half the battle , it ' s up to you to act !