recipe calls for instant temperatures down ... ever? Pop that into the Styler
and precision control, two induction and it’ll be fresh, clean and sanitized.
Are they enabled with Wi-Fi? Oui-oui!
zones meet the need.
Together, along with the companion
True Combi-Steam: The 18-inch dryer, they create the ultimate laundry
oven combines steam and convection room.
cooking for gourmet results.
After the public showing, the Whole
Wi-Fi-enabled: Through the Home Project Concept House will be
touch of a button on the Signature put up for sale. You can read all about
Kitchen Suite app for Android and it in House Beautiful’s November 2018
iOS devices, users can enjoy the issue.
benefits of smart functionality like
preheating the oven remotely.
Laundry: Make the “Ultimate
Laundry Room” that helps tackle
all your laundry needs so you can
wash every week and refresh every
day. Running loads of laundry isn’t
everyone’s favorite chore, but these
new appliances from LG Electronics
give it some high-tech fun, and more
importantly, make the process more
efficient and effective. Here are a few
LG TWINWash System with
LG Sidekick: This two-in-one
powerhouse cuts up to 30 minutes off
your washing time with TurboWash
technology. But it’s the LG Sidekick
that packs the punch. It’s a secondary
mini-washer that sits beneath the
main washer and is designed for small
loads. Have a basket of whites with
one red shirt? No problem. Pop the
shirt into the Sidekick and run both
loads at once - or run them separately.
LG Styler:
A first-of-its-kind
steam clothing care system and the
only certified as asthma and allergy
friendly by Asthma and Allergy
Foundation of America, LG Styler
reduces wrinkles and odor, sanitizes
and refreshes garments with the fastest
cycle on the market today - as little as
20 minutes. It’s a slim closet-like unit
that uses pure steam (no chemicals!)
to refresh, de-wrinkle and deodorize
your clothes between cleanings. It also
works with other items like bedding
and sportswear. So, that raggedy old
stuffed animal your toddler won’t put