Winter Garden Magazine December 2018 | Page 33

it’s kept pristinely in its box. What is the value in housing a mini-warehouse of items waiting to see if they are one day going to resell for several times its original purchase price? Tardis replicas take up space, even if they “are bigger on the inside”; the more we have, the more we become weighed down. Think about it, the first thought is probably in defense of feeling any impact from the collection of stuff around us, because on the surface, it’s out of the way on the shelf in the closet. As we take time to consider that it sits there, taking up physical space, and will eventually have to be moved, either to make space for something else that isn’t being used on a regular basis, or to vacate the premises in the event a larger house is in order. Add to that the boxes in the garage never unpacked, or storage containers of childhood memories; these items, you realize in actuality, those forgotten items buried deep do indeed carry energetic baggage both physical and emotional. Understanding what this means ultimately leads to more mindful giving as consideration for our own possessions increases. Mindful giving not only augments the emotion behind the act of giving, but in the gift itself. Many items chosen aren’t in alignment with the recipient’s taste or preference. Clothes and toiletries items given in our younger years help to mold our tastes for the future, but as we mature, we know what we like and don’t. When choosing a gift for your brother, or your best friend, keep in mind the idea they should welcome the item into their world as an enhancement, rather than a burden to hang onto until it’s ok to donate or give it away. A gift should uplift and add to their life, rather than bring feelings of guilt over thermal bedroom slippers received when they live in Florida where no one even wears socks, yet they’re kept for an indefinite amount of time so as not to cause hurt feelings. Avoiding this emotional tipping of the scales begins with an honest and appreciative approach towards gift buying. Align gift purchases with supporting local talent, or encourage handmade items that are more thoughtful and will inspire for years to come. Share vocally that Kahlua flavored ground coffee and blank journals are items endeavored to receive if crafting isn’t a specialty. The giver then gets to pick the flavor, or the aesthetic cover to fulfill the personal touch and the gift is a success on both ends resulting in a positive connection between friends. The impact upon the environment is kept to a minimum with fewer fuel shipping miles or wasted resources. On the other hand, we have been so ingrained into thinking that the availability of inexpensively mass-produced toys of the year, disposable cleaning equipment, and the throw-away mentality that is attached to decorative party plates, plasticware and coordinating paper napkins makes continued on pg. 47 DECEMBER 2018 | WINTER GARDEN MAGAZINE |   33