Winter Garden Magazine December 2016 | Page 42

"It The onl 's y I can be place w I want ho to be" Stephen Scarborough Come Out with Pride was joy, a reverent celebration, an easy insistence that life was beautiful and would continue to be so. The honoring of the Pulse victims near the beginning of the parade was beautiful and moving, but met with cheers. The police presence was seamlessly blended into the festive mood and rainbow aesthetic. People were simply themselves, or the best themselves, if only for a few days. Pride invoked a wonderful spirit - where the tragedy of Pulse, the uncertainty and shock of a Donald Trump Presidency, and the ever-looming presence of being treated unfairly or being looked upon as lesser because of differences in sexual orientation or gender identification - all gave way to a collective bliss. In short, it was beauty personified, 150,000 times over. Kudos to everyone who participated, attended, and most of all to those that organized the event. My only regret is that I didn’t have my family there. To think there was a time when people who purported divisiveness and fear would selectively show clips from Pride events of the past to advance a hate-filled agenda. Pride in Orlando is an event that everyone should attend. Of course, the LBGT+ community should make the pilgrimage and revel, but the community at large should as well. Seeing all the corporate sponsors, experiencing the roar of the crowd, being there when we all looked skyward at the fireworks together, it was a reminder that life not only goes on, it can be better for all of us if we work, live and love together. 42  |  WINTER GARDEN MAGAZINE  |  DECEMBER 2016