Dear Readers,
We are off to a big start in 2024! Our first law enforcement training happened on Wednesday January 17th when a great mix of people tuned in to hear best practices for police when encountering people with developmental disabilities.
We have several in-person talks like this lined up, in the Pittsburgh region and also in the center of the state in Lock Haven (Clinton County) where paramedic Jason Tartalone is gathering law enforcement and emergency response learners for a class in mid March. Other requests are coming in, including an exciting opportunity to speak at a large international police chaplains' conference; we are so glad to see this level of interest in keeping autistic people of all ages safe and getting them the help they may need when it comes to community living.
Also gratifying are all of our community's efforts to provide money for our mission. The Steel City Diecast Club, Elderton Youth Wresting, Gingerbread Man Running Company's efforts have been super uplifting, and all your individual giving together really floats our boat!
We have some inspiring runners signed up for the Dick's Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon, including some young people challenging each other for top charity fundraising! Disability issues are not usually fun, but getting to know people who care and who spend lots of time supporting our efforts can provide some bright spots in this cloudy and cold season. We hope you feel supported as well.
Our first Pittsburgh Marathon runner profile features Nina Barbero, or “Miss B” as her health and physical education students know her. Get to know Nina through her interview on Autism Connection's blog.