or last-mile providers , maximizing the eyes and ears of your drivers and customer service reps can grow sales and provide better customer service . These are the people who see everything . Drivers and customer service reps can and should be the frontline of your sales approach . After all , they know all about the most common customer issues . They hear all customer requests and notice trends . More than anyone in your company , they know about your service deficiencies . Most importantly , they see the sales opportunities out there all the time .
In most companies , however , there is no easy , effective or trackable way for these team members to share and track this precious intel . For the past 20 years , many have tried to do it through pen and paper or clunky in-house systems . But let ’ s face it , these initiatives often fizzle out . With today ’ s AI , drivers , ICs , and salespeople can capture these valuable insights with the snap of a picture and turn them into revenue .
Making the Most of Driver Sales Intel
How does a company drive sales from the people interacting with customers daily ? Developing a strategy that focuses on the emotional connection between the service , sales , and customers .
Here ’ s how your company can drive that process :
• Be specific and targeted in your communication with your frontline team . Tell them what to look for during their interactions with customers . For example , do you want to cultivate new business opportunities ? Or do you want them to look for ways to upsell existing clients on more of your services ? Let them know that . The more specific you are , the better the leads will be .
• Give members of your team the tools to capture business opportunities efficiently . Ditch one-page lead sheets . These rarely get utilized . Lead capture needs to be quick and easy . Today ’ s AI systems can take a “ grey ” piece of frontline intel and color it in for your sales team to close .
• Tell your frontline team members what ’ s in it for them . Whether it ’ s bonuses , prizes or recognition , let them know why it ’ s in their best interest to increase sales and grow the company .
• Monitor success and provide feedback . Make a story out of your champions so everyone gets involved . Keep your lead generators in the loop with their referrals from start to finish . As many businesses realize , retaining and up-selling current customers is easier than acquiring new ones . Research shows that quality face-to-face interaction with the customer is necessary , especially during times of need .
When Customer Needs Open the Door to Sales
Drivers and customer service reps are in the perfect position to notice your customer ’ s needs and position your company as a way to meet them . But , they need to be trained to develop the emotional intelligence to spot the moments when customers reveal their pain points . When those on the frontline build their emotional intelligence , they
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