WINTER 2024 Digital - FINAL3 | Page 22

Consider TMS software , which manages shipments through the entire lifecycle from creation to payment . Software vendors have begun to use AI to write quality code faster with automated QA testing . Just like AI assistance in operations , AI will also assist software developers in bringing better products to market faster . This advantage pays dividends to both vendors and customers .
Consider Microsoft ’ s CoPilot . It is an embedded Windows assistant that works alongside the user to drastically increase their productivity so they can focus on creative and meaningful goals . AI becomes marbled into every aspect of our day to increase speed , elevate skills and remove menial tasks so carriers can concentrate on the bigger picture to grow their businesses .
TMS solutions have used AI techniques for years but will be far more advanced with the addition of machine learning . The result will be a higher level of optimization , taking more data into account when making decisions and building solutions . For example , AI will offer improved predictive traffic and awareness of real-time factors like weather . This will not be limited to traffic but many other data sources impacting deliveries .
Moving to environmental sustainability , consider electric vehicles and their unique operational requirements . AI will help take those special capacity , weight , and distance constraints into consideration , along with topographical data and charging station locations , to keep routes running at maximum efficiency with fewer vehicles . And this is not a one-and-done optimization . These systems will be doing real-time analysis , making alterations as needed .
CLDA Mag : Given AI ’ s huge impact , what is its most important use for carriers ? If a carrier is not using AI , where should they start ?
Adams : Depending on the specific type of work , many applications of AI can help any business . AI tools can impact route management , customer service and exception management as part of a larger program of work . Customer service tools are a great place for most couriers to get increased scale from their existing teams .
Across the industry , support and quality of services are key ways to differentiate a business . Personnel costs are continually increasing , so any opportunity to increase staff efficiency is a good investment .
Miller : The benefits of using an advanced TMS solution with AI will impact every aspect of a carrier ’ s business . Start using AI-powered automation and route optimization to increase assignment and delivery speed . This will help your company reduce fuel consumption , please customers , and maximize profitability . These systems are all driven by AI , so that would be my recommendation as a place for a carrier to start .
CLDA Mag : What do you forecast will be AI ’ s most significant , long-term impact on our industry ?
Adams : AI and machine learning will fundamentally change how drivers and ICs are managed . As these tools increase over the coming years , we will be able to get much clearer visibility into what factors impact the entire fleet versus individual driver performance . In the future , we will be able to understand things like how dwell time for a stop is impacted by a wide range of variables such as piece counts , type , neighborhood of the shipment , shipper , and much more .
Miller : It could not be summed up as one thing . AI will proliferate in this industry and impact everything from the entry of an order to last-mile delivery . But if I had to narrow it down and generalize , it would be a drastic improvement in speed , knowledge , and cost reduction .
CLDA Mag : What else have we not covered regarding AI ’ s impact on our industry ?
Adams : People don ’ t realize that AI needs to be told what needs to be done out of the box . The proper data points will be needed to tell the AI what to do . So , if your current process is flawed , then AI will continue to provide a flawed process . The most common misconception is , “ Hey , I have AI ! Now it should just work !”
Miller : We expect to see the introduction of autonomous vehicles as a portion of fleets starting with autonomous guided vehicles and robotic warehousing . These will be further out for smaller businesses , but not that far out . And then there ’ s AI ’ s application to security , including cybersecurity , surveillance , and biometrics . CLDA
22 customized logistics & delivery Magazine I winter 2024