Winter 2023 Newsletter January 2023 | Page 9



Sensory Friendly Environments are Expanding in Pennsylvania

Sensory friendly performances serve as a source of inspiration for creating safe spaces in other places. We are thrilled to see efforts expand into our museums, parks, and in our government offices.

In 2022, the Family Division of the Allegheny County Courthouse, under the leadership of Judge McCrady, began groundbreaking development of trauma-informed, sensory friendly areas throughout the courthouse. Read about the initiative here.

In 2023, we look forward to the courthouse project's completion, and hopefully, replication in other courthouses throughout the state of Pennsylvania.

Other sensory-friendly intitiaves are in the works, including an accessible outdoor classroom at Frick Park, and specialized training for volunteers at the Greater Pittsburgh Area Food Bank. Those looking for ideas and inspiration for creating safe, calm and accessible spaces can visit Presley's Place at the Pittsburgh International Airport.

Contact us to learn how you can create accessible, sensory-friendly spaces.