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Marine Safety
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The Global Marine Stranding Network
We hear about the stranding of marine mammals on beaches around the world . These are sad situations which often times prompt concerned bystanders to take action to assist the stranded marine mammal — but could they do more harm than good ? If you encountered a stranded marine mammal , would you know what to do ? Here , in the Greater Atlantic Northeast Region , the institution to which to turn would be the National Marine Fisheries Service and even more specifically , its Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program .
The Marine Mammal Fisheries Service ( MMFS ) oversees members of the National Marine Mammal Stranding Network . Detachments in the Greater Atlantic Northeast Region respond to strandings along the coastline of ME , MA , NH , CT , RI , NY , NJ , VA , and D . C . Responses are carried out whether the marine mammal is alive or dead .
The NMFS headquarters is located in Gloucester , MA and operates a Marine Mammal Stranding and Entanglement Hotline which is : 1-866-755-6622 . The program ’ s website is : www . nmfs . noaa . gov / pr / health / report . htm . The Marine Mammal Center , which is closely involved with this work , is a partner of the USCGAUX Prevention Department ’ s Outreach Program . The Outreach Program also includes the America ’ s Waterway Watch Program ( AWW ), the Citizens ’ Action Network , Sea Partners , the Good Mate Program and the Aquatic Nuisance Species Program . All D 5 NR MS officers as well as anyone interested , are encouraged to check into any or all of these programs .
Globally , there is an international Global Marine Stranding Network which exists to aid stranded and / or entangled marine mammals which are protected by international laws as well as U . S . federal laws such as the Marine Mammal Protection Act which established a moratorium on taking and importing marine mammals , any of their body parts or by-products of their bodies . The act provides protection for polar bears , sea otters , walruses , dugongs , manatees , whales , porpoises , seals and sea lions .
Protection of marine mammals has been an element of the Coast Guard mission for a very long time , dating back to its forerunner , the U . S . Revenue Cutter Service . We as Auxiliarists need to incorporate awareness of marine mammals into our outlook and the ability to help them through the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program when the need arises .
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Gregg Bollinger , Th . D ., DSO-MS , D 5 NR