The Middle : Learning How to Prepare
After overcoming the initial surprise of planning for “ the event ,” you had to perform a series of tasks to actually prepare for “ the event .” For example , in preparing for a criminal trial , you had to identify which witnesses to call , what evidence to admit , and what pretrial tasks – such as reviewing discovery or submitting pretrial motions – you had to accomplish prior to trial . Thereafter , you had to actually perform the tasks of interviewing witnesses , preparing witnesses direct and cross examinations , marking exhibits , and drafting motions . Finally , you had to immerse yourself in the matter and learn more about “ the event ” than anyone else so that you could explain the circumstances of “ the event ” to other individuals , namely judges or jurors who know little about the matter . By identifying , performing , and immersing yourself in the above tasks , you learned how to issue spot , you created successful templates for performing similar tasks in the future , and you became a subject matter expert on the case ’ s topics . These lessons are also accomplishments .
The End : Viewing the Result as Only One Part of the Journey
Finally , we arrive at “ the event ” that did not occur . Instead of feeling the surprise of suddenly being thrown – without your consultation – into cold water , you now feel like you are at the edge of a diving board eager to jump in the water , but right before you take the plunge , the lifeguard tells you that the beach is closed . Unsurprisingly , you feel let down because you prepared for “ the event ,” but it did not happen . At that moment , you may even feel you did not accomplish anything . However , that feeling is shortsighted because it fails to consider the whole journey and how much you , in fact , did accomplish . While “ the event ” may not have occurred , you learned many valuable skills and lessons that you can apply to future events . We should focus on those accomplishments .
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The next time you find yourself in a similar situation , remember , the journey is not defined by the end result , and neither are you .
WINTER 2022 13