Winter 2021 | Page 37

As humans we all look for a way to matter and have an impact on others . My work on the canes has let me share my handiwork and my gratitude for living veterans , and to also honor deceased veterans and their families . For instance , when former President Trump repatriated the remains of dozens of Americans killed in action in South Korea , I was asked by a family to make a cane in honor of their loved one who had served 74 years prior and lost his life as a young man in the service of his country . We often go through life in a fog in terms of not knowing how we affect other people . In my case , I ’ m lucky enough to have a tangible emblem of that impact .
When I train people , I always tell them that good work always comes to light in one way or another . Often in any job we can feel like a cog in a machine . But we all must remember that what we do can enable other people to do their job better , provide for their families or in turn help someone else . For example , someone I trained recognized me months later and told me that something I had taught him in training helped him increase his pay significantly . That meant the world to me . The bottom line is that doing good things and doing the right things , the right way — even when no one is watching — really matters . It ’ s vitally important that we do our work properly and to the best of our abilities . That ’ s the why of what we do every day .
Every cane has a story , and Guy considers it a privilege and a blessing to be able to give a little back .
Guy is honored when he can deliver the canes personally and bring smiles to veterans who have given so much for our country .
Value Every Voice is a regular feature where Cox employees share their unique story in their own voice . If you ’ d like to tell your story , email us at InSideCox @ coxinc . com .

We all must remember that what we do can enable other people to do their job better , provide for their families or in turn help someone else .

Guy Lance , lead dealer solutions consultant , Cox Automotive 35