in person or remotely from inside the Capitol building or from home or anywhere else in the state . Individual office space is being provided in the Capitol building for use by the legislators during the session . Masks or face shields will be required in all areas of the Capitol controlled by the legislature and access to those areas in person will be limited for the public . All proceedings of the floor sessions and committee hearings will be live streamed to the public . The public will be able to testify at committee hearings by remote videoconference means but will be required to register in advance and to submit electronic testimony . This will be a more complicated procedure for legislators and the public and will require more coordination by committee chairmen and clerks . We will continue to do the work of the legislature , while allowing access to the public , but we must stay safe and healthy , too .
What issues do you anticipate for the courts or the bar in the upcoming session ? The major legal bill that I have been working on is the revision and modernization of the Juvenile Court Act , which was originally enacted in North Dakota in 1969 . While the Act has seen some amendments since 1969 , it is long overdue for updating to reflect best practices in the juvenile justice process . I have worked on this 117-page bill as a member of the Commission on Juvenile Justice and as chairman of the Interim Judiciary Committee during the 2019-2020 Interim . There are also five bills being introduced by the North Dakota Commission on Uniform State Laws that will enact new uniform laws in North Dakota or will update existing uniform laws . I will also be responsible for presenting several other lawrelated bills approved by the Interim Judiciary Committee .
REP . TOM KADING District 45 Serving since 2015 Vice-Chair of the Transportation Committee University of North Dakota School of Law – 2013
What is the biggest challenge facing North Dakota this legislative session ? This session is shaping up to be filled with a variety of interesting topics . Between COVID-19 , low oil prices , increased social unrest , election madness , and online censorship , we will have an interesting session . Each of these issues present a significant issue which will have to be addressed by the legislature . Helping guide how the state continues to react to COVID-19 will likely be the biggest of the challenges .
What issues do you anticipate for the courts or the bar in the upcoming session ? In terms of the issues that may be important to the bar or the courts , I believe online censorship and COVID-19 liability issues will be high on the list . Whether or not there should be any level of liability for online censorship is an important issue that is likely to be addressed by the legislature this year . Regarding COVID-19 , thousands of lawsuits concerning that subject have been filed across the country for a variety of causes . Who should be liable in the event of sickness or negligence is a question being answered by courts and legislatures across the country .
REP . MARY JOHNSON District 45 Serving since 2015 University of North Dakota School of Law – 1994
What is the biggest challenge facing North Dakota this legislative session ? What issues do you anticipate for the courts or the bar in the upcoming session ? Both questions can be answered in one word . Budget . We are experiencing a possible $ 920 million budget gap for the next biennium while the judicial system needs more judges , judicial referees , and staff .
REP . SHANNON ROERS JONES District 46 Serving since 2017 University of North Dakota School of Law – 2011
What is the biggest challenge facing North Dakota this legislative session ? The budgeting and prioritization process is always a challenge . There are innumerable needs and wants , which are presented to the legislature . This session we are again facing a reduction in income as a result of many factors , including COVID-19 , lower oil prices , and lower commodity prices . Weighing the funding requests and prioritizing where to spend our resources is always a challenge .
What issues do you anticipate for the courts or the bar in the upcoming session ? Depending on what laws successfully pass this legislative session , I expect we will see some challenges to the separations of powers between the Executive and Legislative Branch as a result of COVID-19 and the challenges of governing during a pandemic .
REP . MARY SCHNEIDER District 21 Serving since 2005 Emory University Admitted to the N . D . Bar in 1979
What is the biggest challenge facing North Dakota this legislative session ? There are the usual and continuing challenges of maintaining sufficient state income and stable funding with our state ’ s dependence on oil and agriculture , but this session there is the additional overlay from the COVID-19 pandemic that has complicated economic and everyday life at the federal , state , and local levels . We will be dealing with resulting and related issues in human services , housing , workforce matters , small business , healthcare , vaccine , and education bills .
A more positive challenge and exciting opportunity this session is deciding how best to benefit North Dakotans through use of the state ’ s Legacy Funds in ways that will assist working families and students , promote economic development , stabilize our economy ,