New Year , New You ? How many of you have vowed to exercise more , lose weight , drink less , work more , work less , eat healthy , learn a hobby , save more money , spend less money , etc .… during 2021 ? How many of you do not believe in keeping a New Year ’ s resolution and have made no adjustments to your lifestyle as we enter the new year ? I would love to write an article that would be inspiring for all of you , but let ’ s be real , I can ’ t stick to a New Year ’ s resolution any better than many of my friends , so I will offer no words of advice or encouragement in that regard . I will , however , take this time to remind you that creating a healthy lifestyle and finding a good work-life balance is important .
Sometime before the COVID-19 pandemic , I attended a conference with a presentation by a transformational wellness expert . The focus of the presentation was how to overcome the obstacles that arise from career , health , relationships , and lack of spirit . While the topic was interesting , I did not find it terribly relevant to my life . After this last year , however , I find the message more relevant than ever before . A profession that has long had the reputation of being slow-to-change is adapting quickly to the demands of this new way of practice . It seems we now live by a moto that includes improvise , adapt , and overcome .
Working remotely has presented challenges for attorneys . We have had to learn how to appear in court , arrange depositions , mediations , consultations , and meetings remotely . My appreciation extends to the judges , court personnel , and SBAND in working together to ease the transition to this new way of practice . I have witnessed colleagues transition seamlessly , and I have witnessed colleagues struggling to find a healthy routine . I am reminded through it all , finding work-life balance is necessary . Not only for our personal well-being , but so we can be better advocates for our clients , better members of our families , and better contributors to society . Keep in mind , SBAND offers our Lawyer Assistance Program and Member Assistance Program should you need free and confidential help . We will also start a series of webinars in February we are calling “ Wellness Wednesdays ,” that will focus on mental and physical health . Please check them out .
With the Legislative Session taking place , I want to remind you about our Legislative Policy and the Legislative Committee . SBAND advocates for the administration of justice and upholding the honor of the profession . One way we do this is by working in the legislative arena . As an integrated bar , SBAND strives to speak for the association as a whole , by monitoring proposed legislation and recommending positions to the board of governors ( the board ). Each week the Legislative Committee provides a report to the board , including the bills the committee reviewed and recommendations from the committee . The board meets weekly to discuss the report from the Legislative Committee . The board has four categories of action : support , oppose , provide technical assistance or tracking , or take no action . As an integrated bar and pursuant to Keller v . California , SBAND takes positions on very few bills . The board votes to take the official position of SBAND , and Tony Weiler acts as necessary based upon the recommendation of the board . Feel free to reach out to members of the board or Tony with any questions about this process throughout the year .
A couple of final points . First , and as you know , the North Dakota Bar Foundation supports programs that improve the level of legal education and lawyer standards in North Dakota , works to preserve North Dakota legal history , and encourages public service by lawyers and those within the justice system . If you have any nonprofits or organizations with similar goals , I encourage you to contact Tony to see if an upcoming foundation grant can help you with those goals .
Second , SBAND begins the year on a positive note . The office is staffed with few employees working remotely , and we continue to manage a deficit free budget as we look forward to a great 2021 . Tony and I have meetings scheduled with many of the local bar associations in the coming months . We are excited to connect with all of you . If you have ideas or suggestions as to how SBAND can help you or its members , please do not hesitate to reach out to us , we love to hear from you .