Winter 2014 Issue (e.g. Jan. 2014) | Page 3

2012-2013 Public Safety Improvements At a glance Gun/gang prevention efforts City has begun several additional initiatives over past year to reduce recent gun/gang violence, including: • New five-member WPD gang unit focused on deterring/dismantling  gang related activity and crimes • 10 “overhires” being hired to help make sure WPD is fully staffed at all times  • New 14-man patrol unit in public housing areas made up of seven  WPD officers and seven NHC deputies • Expanded patrol of 64 WPD officers/NHC Sheriff’s deputies – 32 officers  each from the WPD and NHC Sheriff’s Department • New WPD Mobile Field Force – 12-officer unit geared up to respond quickly  to crime, or fear of crime, anywhere in the city • Coordination of series of  community conversations in partnership with key agencies to get input about strategies that can be implemented to help reduce criminal and gunrelated violence • From these sessions, series  of recommendations for action by public policy makers will be finalized this spring Wilmington Firefighter Memorial • Wilmington Firefighter Memorial, located at  the Empie Park Fire Station, officially dedicated on Sept. 11 • Memorial honors the seven Wilmington firefighters  who have lost their lives in line of duty since the department began in the 1800s, as well as the 343 NYC firefighters who perished during the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack • Memorial surrounded by seven statues representing  Wilmington’s fallen firefighters • Bronze statue of firefighter in the center holds piece  of steel recovered from World Trade Center following 9-11 attack • Memorial paid for through private donations  2012-2013 Service Improvements At a glance Long-term plan for growth • City launches effort to develop  20-year plan for growth to deal with coming demographic changes and increased population WILMINGTON POPULATION EXPECTED TO GROW BY 57,000 OVER THE NEXT 20 YEARS 2012-13 Budget – Outlook improves • Budget improves after several years  of cutbacks • Balanced budget with increased savings funds  • 5 cents of city tax rate dedicated for  $41 million 5-year infrastructure improvement plan • Plan development includes extensive  citizen input and engagement effort • So far, more than 200 citizens have  attended meetings and hundreds of ideas, comments and photos have been submitted online • Wilmington’s debt rate low compared  to other NC cities 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 • AA+ bond rating due to good  financial condition CITY’S SAVINGS ACCOUNT Recycling • n January 2013, city changed to biweekly recycling I pickup schedule after delivering more than 20,000 new 90-gallon blue recycling carts • Citizen participation in voluntary recycling program has  increased by 63% - now more than 80% of all city trash customers choose to recycle FY 2013 FY 2003 $24M FY 2012 FY 2006 $18M FY 2010 $29.2M $23.8M $16.5M • Amount of material being recycled has increased by 25%  W W W. W I L M I N G T O N N C . G O V