Luce Line State Trail
The Luce Line State Trail follows the corridor of a former railroad line and has been maintained by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources ( DNR ) since 1976 .
Although the Luce Line is now a recreational trail , it was originally created for the railroad industry .
In the 1900s , W . L . Luce and his son , E . D . Luce had plans to build a railroad from Minneapolis to Brookings , SD . A short track was installed within Minneapolis , and westward construction began in 1913 . The tracks reached Cosmos in 1922 .
In 1924 , the Luce Line was sold and reorganized as the Minnesota Western Railroad Company , with the Luce family still in control . The railroad ’ s primary function at this time was to haul lumber , grain , and other commodities .
After changing possession a few times , the Luce Line ’ s final owner was the Chicago & North Western Railway Company , which purchased the line in 1960 . Finally , however , competition from other modes of transportation made the railroad unprofitable , and the company officially abandoned it in 1970 .
The legislation designated the Luce Line as a state trail in 1973 , and the DNR acquired a significant portion of the right-of-way in 1975 .
The Luce Line State Trail is a 63-mile-long former railroad grade developed for biking , hiking , horseback riding , mountain biking , snowmobiling , and cross-country skiing . The limestone surfaced trail runs from Plymouth 30 miles west to Winsted , with a similar tread way for horseback riding . Snowmobiles are allowed on the trail west of Stubb ’ s Bay Road . ( Snowmobiles are prohibited between Vicksburg Lane and Stubbs Bay Road . Be aware of local speed limit restrictions .)
Developed initially with an aggregate base , the trail from Winsted to Hutchinson was paved , with a similar natural tread way for horseback riding , in 2015 through a unique partnership with the DNR and the cities of Winsted , Silver
Lake , and Hutchinson . The trail from Hutchinson to Cedar Mills was developed with a base of crushed granite , which is larger than the crushed limestone but is bikeable . Stretching across the varied landscapes of metropolitan and rural Minnesota , the Luce Line is a preserved strip of countryside alive with wide varieties of plants and animals . In the east , the influence is woodland , a carry-over from the Big Woods that once occupied the area .
Rolling stands of sugar maple and basswood , along with many colorful forest floor ground-cover plants , can be found here . From Hutchinson westward , the Big Woods gives way to remnants of the tall-grass prairie , with many prairie plants still visible .
Wildlife inhabitants range from deer , fox , and mink to owls and pheasant . Many adjacent lakes also support ducks and geese . The Luce Line is genuinely like a jaunt down a quiet country road .
The Friends of the Luce Line West continue efforts to improve the trail in Mcleod County . Those interested in joining or seeking information can visit www . friendsoftheluceline . org .
Cosmos |
Cedar Mills |
Winsted |
Watertown |
Orono |
Wayzata |
Silver Lake
Winsted is near the middle of Luce Line Trail , which runs from Plymouth in the east , to Cosmos in the west .
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