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annual chamber banquet are some of the annual events sponsored by the organization . For more information regarding these events , visit www . winstedchamber . com or visit its Facebook page . It also promotes business appreciation events and sponsors political forums . Membership in the chamber is open to any interested individual or business Visit the website for more information on becoming a member . There are presently about 80 members .
Winsted Arts Council
For more than 10 years , the Winsted Arts Council has promoted artistic opportunities in all areas of the arts for all ages promoting diversity , cultural enrichment , economic growth , and balance of life . It is volunteeredrun and supported through memberships and corporate partnerships . The arts council has hosted after-school art explorer classes , ballet classes , and summer art and dance camps at its 141 Main Avenue West space in downtown Winsted . In addition , online crochet classes have been offered during the pandemic . It has also hosted free outdoor music events during the summer at the lakefront park and paid music events featuring Dervish , Jig Jam , The Okee Dokee Brothers , the Benny Weinbeck Trio , and many others . Any ticket prices are kept affordable with school-aged children , adults , and seniors rates . The Main Avenue venue has also been home to a traveling Minnesota Historical Society exhibit and exhibits featuring the work of area artists , including photography and fiber arts . The Winsted Arts Council envisions an artistic community within the local area that inspires a vibrant downtown with thriving businesses and a culturally-engaged citizenry . Visit its website at www . winstedartscouncil . org or its Facebook and Instagram pages . You can also email the arts council at winstedartscouncil @ gmail . com for more information . Become a member , a volunteer , or an instructor .
Winsted Lake Watershed Association
The mission of the WLWA is to provide a leadership role in improving and protecting the quality of Winsted Lake and its watershed for present and future generations . The Winsted Lake Committee was started in 1979 and existed until Feb . 11 , 1994 , when the Winsted Lake Watershed Association was formed . A nonprofit organization , membership is open to anyone interested in contributing to the quality of Winsted Lake and its watershed . Annual membership dues are $ 30 per family and $ 100 per business . The Lake Association encourages members to help with projects and events . If you are interested in becoming a member , please contact one of the officers and send your membership dues to WLWA , PO Box 577 , Winsted , MN 55395 . WLWA meetings are on the second Tuesday of the month at Winsted City Hall at 7 p . m . and are open to the public . Attend one of our meetings or contact one of the officers if you wish to share an idea or a concern .
The WLWA officers are ; vacant president ; Gary Lenz , vice president ; Evelyn Fowler , secretary ; Peggy Lenz , treasurer . More information is available by going to our web page in the Quick Links section on the City of Winsted ’ s website , www . winsted . mn . us , or going directly to our site at www . winsted . mn . us / pages / watershed . html . To contact , email winstedlake @ gmail . com .
Winsted Youth Baseball / Softball Association
The Winsted Youth Baseball / Softball Association promotes and organizes summer baseball and softball for area youth ages four to 18 , focusing primarily on players aged four to eight . However , the WYSBA is partnered with Laker Baseball and Laker Softball to assist players ages nine to 18 to play on teams in Winsted . Approximately 150 children and more than 20 volunteer coaches participate in games , primarily in June and July ; baseball players ages nine and up will start with games in May . Membership is open to anyone interested in playing baseball / softball . In February , sign-ups for players ages nine and up , including the machine pitch and all-player pitch teams . Sign-ups for players ages 4-8 take place in mid-April . A registration fee covers the cost of hats , jerseys / shirts , umpires , and other association expenses . Business sponsorship of the association is encouraged to help defray expenses and lower player fees . The association meets in winter and spring to prepare for the following year . Parents and volunteers are encouraged to help coach or be part of the association . Watch the Herald Journal for sign-up notices . More information can be found on our Facebook page , http :// www . facebook . com / winstedyouthbaseball /; or by contacting Rick Baumann at 320-490-7006 , or rbaumann @ tds . net
Winsted Sportsmen ’ s Club
The Winsted Sportsmen ’ s Club has helped to ensure quality hunting and fishing for area sportsmen since 1952 . Some activities the group annually organizes are stocking lakes , a lake cleanup , and the raising and releasing of pheasants . In addition , the group builds wood duck houses and wildlife feeders . The club also owns and maintains boat landings at Dog , Ida , Mary , and Round lakes . In April , the club conducts its annual hog roast fundraiser at the Blue Note in Winsted . There are presently 75 members . Membership dues are $ 10 per year . Meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p . m . During summer , it meets at the Lake Mary clubhouse , a few miles northeast of Winsted ; and winter months in locations to be announced . There are no membership requirements . To join , contact any member or attend a meeting or sponsored event . For more information , contact Tom Kieser at 320-224- 3079 . The club ’ s mailing address is 10895 Fetch Ave . SW , Waverly , MN 55390at the Lake Mary clubhouse , a few miles northeast of Winsted ; and winter months in locations to be announced . There are no membership requirements . To join , contact any member or attend a meeting or sponsored event . For more information , contact Tom Kieser at 320-224- 3079 . The club ’ s mailing address is 10895 Fetch Ave . SW , Waverly , MN 55390 .
Winstedheraldjounal . com Winsted Community Guide | 2024 – 15 –