Please contact Rachelle Krienke , Secretary , for more information at prairiedairy @ broadband-mn . com or 320.224.3235
HLWW Laker Pride
Laker Pride serves as the promotional arm of the HLWW School District . Laker Pride contributes pictures and articles for the Herald Journal newspaper and the district website . We have also had entries in the summer parades . We welcome you to join us on Facebook at “ HLWW Laker Pride ,” where you can view district activities ’ news , photos , and videos . If you don ’ t have a Facebook account , don ’ t worry . The HLWW Laker Pride Facebook page is open to the public for viewing . If you have a Facebook account , we welcome any photos you would like to share . We also welcome your pictures , videos , and comments . Please feel free to post to “ Laker Pride ” as much as you like . Please get in touch with us with any comments or suggestions . Somebody can reach us at akoeppe @ hlww . k12 . mn . us or the district office at 320-543-3521 .
HLWW High School After Prom Party
The HLWW After Prom Party organization was formed in the fall of 1988 to provide a safe form of entertainment for Howard Lake-Waverly-Winsted High School juniors and seniors and their dates on prom night . The first after-prom party was in 1989 and has seen a steady yearly increase in attendance . The students enjoy a late-night party with food , fun , wonderful prizes , and entertainment .
This volunteer group hosts many annual fundraisers , concessions expo in November , cookie sales during home games , and community outreach to local businesses . We are currently looking for more volunteers and a person to lead the event ! Please reach out to the school if interested .
Jolly Juniors 4-H Club
The Winsted Jolly Juniors 4-H Club , established in 1946 , promotes positive youth development experiences where youth design and participate in their programs and activities . This unique , learn-by-doing model teaches kids essential , transferable skills that they ’ ll use throughout their lives , such as problem-solving , decision-making , coping , communicating , and responding to the needs of others . There are opportunities for everyone . Youth who live in both the country and town are encouraged to participate . Club members participate in various project areas based on their interests and take pride in giving back to their community through service .
Project areas include robotics , photography , woodworking , wildlife , gardening , computer animation , engines , Legos , and self-determined , anything they can think of and present . Community activities include caroling , park cleanup , ice cream social , bingo , bowling , sledding , petting zoo , parades in winter and summer , and the county fair – having fun and getting to know other people in the community through work and play . There are presently more than 40 youth members . Membership is open to children from kindergarten through one year past high school graduation . Winsted Jolly Juniors Lisa Bayerl 612-532-4857 , Mandy Dammann 320-510-2930 , Holly Neaton 763-286-8126 , 1st Monday of Month , 3:00 p . m ., Winsted Legion . Wide variety of project interests . They also enjoy meeting the needs of their local area with community service projects .
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus was established to help the needy and support religious vocations while promoting charity , unity , fraternity , and patriotism within the order . Its purpose is to speak out for the lives of the unborn , the aged , and the mentally challenged . Annually , the Knights conduct a pro-life breakfast and free-throw shooting contest in January , a fish fry on the second Friday in March , a Tootsie Roll drive for people with intellectual and physical disabilities , and several other parish and community events . The local council also participates in Prairie Days , The Winsted SummerFest , as a sponsor of the Winsted WinterFest , and many other youth and community activities . The order was formed in 1882 in New Haven , CT . The local council meets on the fourth Tuesday at 7 p . m ., with officers meeting on the second Tuesday of each month . Membership dues are $ 25 per year , and membership is open to Catholic men 18 years or older and in good standing with the church . Anyone wishing to join or learn more about becoming a member can contact any current member . Officers for the current year are Grand Knight Jason Malone ; Deputy Grand Knight Joe Hartung ; Chancellor Mitchel Littfin ; Recorder Ken Pelzel ; Financial Secretary Pat Schommer ; Treasurer Dennis Dunn ; Advocate Jason Blashack ; Warden Mike Lester ; Inside Guard Rich Bauman ; Outside Guard Brady Schesso ; Trustee Third-year Roman Widmer ; Trustee Second-year Jim Condon ; Trustee Firstyear Kevin Seipker Jr .; General Agent Joe Cauoette 320- 224-7553 ; Field Agent Brian Lachermeier 612-685-0506 . The Knights ’ mailing address is PO Box 250 , Winsted , MN , 55395 . Also , please email us at winstedkc @ gmail . com .
Lake Mary Homeowners Association
The Lake Mary Homeowners Association is a group of concerned citizens whose fundamental goal is to improve water quality and preserve our valuable resources . It is important to take numerous measurements in a year to get a true picture of lake water quality and continue that practice over many years . Water quality can vary seasonally and yearly depending on temperature , rainfall , and adjacent land use practices . Wright County Soil & Water has a summer program that we participate in that allows us to monitor total phosphorus , Chlorophyll-a , and Secchi dish Depth . These measurements are very good assessments of water quality . As a result , the water quality is rated as good . The lake association is dedicated to protecting our lake from aquatic invasive species . We monitor the landing by auditing watercraft with Wright County AIS inspectors and trained lakeshore homeowners . Experts have determined that AIS ’ s best line of defense is inspecting the watercraft at the landing .
Winstedheraldjounal . com Winsted Community Guide | 2024 – 13 –