WINSPIRE EMPOWERING YOUTH Issue 4 Volume 3 | Page 19



Time Line

• 7AM : Get up and get to office
• 9AM : Look at detailed metrics for the previous day . Talk to city heads
• 11AM-8PM : The huge period of uncertainty . “ From here on till evening , my day is very unstructured . I have a broad agenda per day but given the real time nature of work , interruptions are many .”
• 10PM : Go home , finish work that required uninterrupted time , answer pending mail , plan for the next day
• 1AM : Sleep !
his destination . The entrepreneurial-headed Bhavish , instead of whining about the situation or rather the problem , decided to solve it good , and at large !
Because he got a first-hand experience of such a problem , after decent amount of research also realised that , this in actuality was a genuine and deep rooted problem for the masses . A lot of customers had fallen prey to such situations and were desperately in need of a quality cab service . That was when for the first time , he could envision the amount of potential a cab booking service could have . And after basic calculations , Bhavish changed his business from the earlier mentioned startup to – Ola Cabs . In December 2010 , he joined with Ankit Bhati in his start-up journey , where his idea of introducing a technology that bridged the gap and connected the cab owners with the commuters through the Internet , telephone or a mobile phone app change the entire model of the business . On the other end , just like every starting entrepreneur , his parents too didn ’ t support his new venture as well , and for them he was as good as a ‘ travel agent ’. Basically a lot of pressure , but
Ola Cabs in its early days ; Now it has grown to > 400 people
nevertheless , their support increased as they got their first round of angel investment ( from Snapdeal founder Kunal Bahl , Rehanyar Khan and Anupam Mittal .). Then on Ola was the collective prodigy of Bhavish Aggarwal and Ankit Bhati and was officially owned by ANI Technologies Pvt Ltd , which translated to ‘ Hello ’ in Spanish !
WINSPIRE : Empowering youth | January , 2017