WINSON COMPETITIVE GUIDE  The Aundh site is suitable flat site for carrying out the experiments as the four kms strips require an unhindered straight and flat site for studying the lasers.  The LIGO-India laboratory will help to bring considerable opportunities in cutting edge technology for Indian industries. China tests stealth-defeating quantum radar: China has claimed that it has successfully developed and tested a radar system that uses quantum entanglement to beat the stealth technology of modern military aircrafts. This first Chinese quantum radar was developed by the Intelligent Perception Technology Laboratory. Prior to it, US was only the country stealth-defeating quantum radar. Key Facts:  Quantum radar is a device that uses quantum entanglement photons to provide better detection capabilities than conventional radar systems.  The radar system is able to detect a target at a range of 100 kilometers in a real-world environment.  The device employs single photon detection technology and was tested in mid-August 2016.  It easily tracks targets with a low radar cross section, such as modern aircraft using stealth technology or targets employing active countermeasures to jam or baffle enemy radar. 17