WinningLife Magazine January 2017 | Page 24

When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning ,by dreams that need compilation ,by pure love that needs expressing ,then we truly live -Greg Anderson (Basket ball player)


There areso many goal setting techniques around the world .If you go o google you can find thousands as well.l am about to share with you one powerful technique that l have been teaching in most of my goal setting sessions with people.I use this tool as well.I have found it to be a great goal setting tool .It is very easy to set goals if you do not know how but wiling to do so.Goal setting committs you to action taking towards what you want to achieve.


(1) On a piece of paper write down for one year 10 goals that you want to achieve .it does matter.Goals can be divided into diffrent categories .You can say financial,personal ,career ,family or bussiness goals.In each of the categories then write 10 goals each that you want to achieve .Out of those 10 goals for each category ,one goal should be such a very big goal.Great goals are characterised by by big.It must be big enough so that does not give you enough must stretch you.It must be very challenging enough to move you out of the comfort zone.

(2).Choose the most important goal on your list.

After you have gone through setting 10 goals .You are now supposed to look for the most important goal on your list .The one with the greatest impact in your life .Write that goal on top of your list.Your number 2 goal should be important enoughso that it qualifies to follow the first one.You must do this until upto number 10 goal.For example you maybe a lifecoach and you can ask yourself this powerful question which maybe inform of a goal ."How can l be a leading lifecoach by December 31 2017?".This is a powerful goal which you maydecide to put on on top of your list.

(3)Write down 20 answers to the question or each and every goal that you set .

It is very important that after you have set your goal like "How can l be leading lifecoach by december 2017?".,to write the answers to the goal.Goal experts encourage that the answers to each and every goal be 20.Try as much as possible to give 20 solutions to each and every goal you set.Stretch yourself enough to come out with 20 answers.

(4) Take action

Take action against the goals you set for yourself using the solutions you have written against them.It is very important to start to start with the one that brings large impact to you .


Leonard Mudhangu