Winning Words Lesson Guide (Adults) Winnning Words Lesson Plan Guide | Page 9
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Spend a few moments analysing your own lifestyle as honestly as you can. Is your
lifestyle an “alternative” one? If it is or isn’t, would you say the personal management
of such lifestyles is easy or difficult? Why does an alternative lifestyle leave some
persons feeling trapped behind a mask?
Strategy wukkin’ fuh you!
Do you wish to know how someone else
perceives your lifestyle? Why not try the
Think-Pair-Share strategy? Here’s how
it’s done. Get a partner who knows you
well. For 30 seconds, each of you thinks
privately on the following questions: Does
my pair partner have an “alternative
lifestyle”? Which “alternative lifestyles”
would I be willing to tolerate from my
pair partner? Which ones would I
absolutely not tolerate? Next, for 2
minutes, talk about your answers with
your partner. You might be in for a
How can feeling trapped behind a mask
impact a person’s physical, emotional,
mental health over an extended period of
time? Give reasons for your answers.