Winning Words Lesson Guide (Adults) Winnning Words Lesson Plan Guide | Page 13
Learning from the story
1. One general lesson that can be learnt from this story is that societal expectations
usually superimpose very punishing, crushing demands on people. Are there any
other general lessons which you can learn from this story?
2. How does the narrator really feel about himself?
3. Do you think Martin Boyce is using this story to change the readers’ attitude
towards West Indians who practise alternative lifestyles?
4. What if the narrator had been a lesbian? Would the story be significantly different?
5. Are attitudes towards people who have alternative lifestyles “softening”
throughout the Caribbean? If you think so, what factors do you think have contributed
to this “softening”.
6. Imagine the Caribbean region fifty years from now. How different will life be for
West Indians who practice alternative lifestyles? Will life be better or worse for these