Winning Words Lesson Guide (Adults) Junior Winnning Words Lesson Plan Guide | Page 3
Dear Teacher
This guide is designed to assist you in using The Junior Winning Words Anthology
2012-2014 in the classroom.
We have provided creative prompts for some of the winning words in the anthology.
Our hope is that you share these prompts with your students to help and encourage
them to interact with the work beyond reading it.
Of course, the ideas provided here may be applied to other selections in the anthol-
ogy, and we encourage you to do so. Similarly, we encourage you to recommend the
appropriate pieces to teachers of social studies, drama, history and even science and
geography as we know the work easily lends itself to such application.
We look forward to your feedback on this guide and, perhaps, to seeing some of your
students’ creative endeavours inspired by your practical use of it.
Looking forward...
Nailah Imoja and Sarah Venable