Winning Spirit Magazine Q4 2022 | Page 21

Primary Children ’ s Hospital on the Larry H . and Gail Miller Family Campus in Lehi , Utah , is part of Intermountain Healthcare ’ s promise to create the nation ’ s model health system for children . The namesake honors the Miller family ’ s support and vision for children ’ s health and wellness in the Intermountain West .
( L-R ) Zane Miller , Gail Miller and Karen Williams add their names to one of the project ’ s steel beams before it was lifted by crane and placed atop the structural framework of the new hospital .
Intermountain Healthcare ’ s new Primary Children ’ s Hospital Larry H . and Gail Miller Family Campus in Lehi , Utah . The hospital has hit the halfway mark in its construction and will open in 2024 as a second Primary Children ’ s Hospital campus .
Earlier this year , Gail met with philanthropists Todd and Andie Pedersen about Intermountain ’ s vision . On October 10 , the Pedersens announced they donated $ 35 million to the new Primary Children ’ s Hospital . The Pedersens say their gift was inspired by the Miller family ’ s generosity and the Primary Promise vision .
“ We ’ re following Gail ’ s lead by giving back in impactful ways , and I invite others to follow , spread the word , and do the same ,” said Todd Pedersen , founder and chairman of Vivint Smart Home , in an interview . ______________
Homelessness is a pressing issue . It ’ s driven by a myriad of factors ranging from mental health , abuse , lack of education , unemployment , addiction and sometimes bad luck .
Complex problems require complex solutions . Here are a few initiatives the Larry H . & Gail Miller Family Foundation supported in 2022 :
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