Volunteers from the Larry H .
Miller Company and Miller Family Office organized more than 200 pallets of donations as part of Utah for Ukraine . ( L-R ): JP Tarbutton , Jared Miller , Jenny Teemsma ,
Aaron Anderson , Amanda Hansen , Wendy Royce , Julie Ramos . ( Front row ): Melanie Tarbutton , Karol Elkington .
with the Larry H . & Gail Miller Family Foundation , US Navy ’ s VR- 56 , AllenComm , the City of Berlin , Germany , Senator Mike Lee ’ s office , Last Mile , the Gail S . Halvorsen Aviation Education Foundation , and a variety of other caring organizations and individuals .
The remaining pallets of supplies were sent by ocean freight to Constanta , Romania and will arrive in November . Upon arrival , the Foundation for Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication ( SMURD ) will distribute the donated goods to Ukrainian
refugees in Romania . Mircea Divricean , Utah ’ s Honorary Consul of Romania , helped facilitate the partnership with SMURD .
“ We ’ re continually amazed by the generosity of Utahns . We asked , and they stepped up in huge ways ,” said Julie Ramos , managing director of Miller Family Philanthropy .
The Miller Family Foundation also donated $ 200,000 to the Utah Olympic Legacy Foundation to welcome Ukrainian athletes , coaches and family members to Utah .
Gail Miller addressed the media during the announcement of Driven to Assist Utah for Ukraine on March 3 , 2022 , at the Utah State Capitol .
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