Winning Spirit Magazine Q2 2023 Q2 2023 | Page 15

Conceptual renderings of Downtown Daybreak show the use of public open space , mixed retail and residential , and mass transit , which are key elements of the masterplanned urban center .

State officials award Downtown Daybreak with $ 160 Million in funding

The Larry H . Miller Real Estate and LHM Company teams secured $ 160 million in incremental funding for the Downtown Daybreak development by qualifying as a Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone ( HTRZ ). The designation allows local governments to use a portion of local tax revenue to help support the costs of development near transit stations .
The HTRZ tool has been available to Utah counties and municipalities since 2021 after the Utah Legislature passed the Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone Act .
The LHM Company partnered with the leadership from South Jordan City to present the HTRZ application and their shared commitment to implementing a strategic , sustainable mixed-use urban center .
The HTRZ funding , which could grow in value to more than $ 240 million over the life of the project , will help offset costs incurred that directly benefit the area – including income-targeted housing , open space and parking infrastructure .
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