We begin every job posting by telling
Our customers come from very difficult financial
potential Prestige Financial employees
situations, and their trust is vital in continuing our work.
that their number one responsibility will
Often they are in those situations due to unforeseen,
be to protect the legal, financial, and
and sometimes tragic, life events. It might be due to
moral well-being of the company. As
prolonged illness and the staggering medical debt that
members of the Larry H. Miller Group
followed, or a drawn-out divorce with high legal costs.
of Companies, we aren’t asked to give
Where others might take advantage of a difficult situation,
up our humanity to do our job. We are
we pride ourselves in offering a product that helps
asked to find ways for our work to make
customers to get back on the right track.
a difference in the lives of our customers,
our co-workers, and our communities.
This is something that sets us apart.
One of the main ways we do this is by structuring our
process in a way that helps customers to gain the
knowledge and create the habits they need
In the highly-regulated realm of finance, it’s
to live a financially stable life. Consistently
easy to focus on how rules and regulations
making payments on time is one of the
make our work more difficult. It is important
to remember that they exist to protect
people and institutions. Protecting the legal
well-being of the company helps us gain trust
from our customers, our business partners,
and our community.
Earning that trust is easier said than done. No
one is perfect. And neither is any company.
So there’s no point in being ashamed of our
imperfections. They are opportunities to
learn, grow, and improve. We have taken
a proactive approach to discovering our
weaknesses by hiring a team of outside
experts to comb through our processes
and help us learn what we can do to stay
compliant. The last thing we want is to end
up on the evening news.
best things people can do to improve
their credit standing. We help customers
build this habit by offering Rate Reduction
Rewards, a program that gradually lowers
their interest rate as they continue to make
payments on time. And our customers
love it. One customer from Texas recently
commented, “I am so excited to participate
in your Rate Reduction Rewards. This is
like no other finance company that I’ve
worked with. Thank you!”
We’ve been successful in helping many
customers improve their situations. After
a couple of years of making payments,
our customers’ credit scores improve at
roughly 1.5 times the industry average.
We have done our job right when we’ve
We also believe the best investment we can make in our future
helped customers build new financial habits to put
is an investment in our employees. It’s part of our human nature
themselves in a higher credit bracket.
to desire improvement and recognition. We strive to provide
employees opportunities with top-notch training to gain new skills
and become more proficient in old ones. We take time to appreciate
our employees and the growth they achieve through monthly
appreciation lunches.
Guiding Principle #1: Protect the legal, financial, and
moral well-being of the company. Larry Miller was often
asked what he considered to be the most desirable
attributes in an employee. Among the many traits he
could name, he listed three at the top of his list: integrity,
reliability, and consistency. In protecting the legal, financial, and
moral well-being of the company, we have to act with integrity,
reliability, and consistency for ourselves, our customers, and the
company. As Larry would say, “Treat the company like you owned it.”
As we continue to direct our focus on protecting the legal,
financial, and moral well-being of the company, we assure
our ability to enrich the lives of our employees, customers,
and the community now and into the future. WS
Discussion ideas for managers, leaders, and teams:
1. What does it mean to protect the legal, financial, and
moral well-being of the company where you work?
2. How would you react and what would you say/do if
a customer, co-worker, or manager asked you to do
something that compromised your integrity?
3. How does this guiding principle affect the reputation
and long-term success of your company/department?